Can Zhou

Fairness in Formal Verification

Linear Time (LT) Properties A linear-time property (LT property) over the set of atomic propositions $AP$ is a subset of $(2^{AP})^\omega$. Here, $(2^{AP})^{\omega}$ denotes the set of words tha...

Optimization Overview


Partially Observable Markov Decision Processe

References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dNp7QyoF_k https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~pabbeel/cs287-fa19/#syllabus https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ggordon/780-fall07/lectures/POMDP_lecture.pdf

Afine Hull vs. Convex Hull

Definition Let $S$ be a set in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Affine hull The affine hull of $S$ is the set of all affine combinations of elements of $S$: [\text{aff}(S) = {\sum^k_{i=1} a_ix_i:k>0, x_i \in S,...

Algorithm Templates

Two Pointers / Sliding Window / Prefix Sums https://tianjietalk.notion.site/03-6c5caefe2f61469c81befc5a8e4f7854 Two Pointers Left and Right Pointers public void template(int[] nums) ...

TRADES--Threat and Rist Assessment for Design of Engineered Systems

What is TRADES TRADES is a model-based engineering methodology for supporting the design and assessment of systems from a security perspecteive. The TEADES metamodel system-composition-rela...


Basic What is a containter? A container is a sandboxed process running on a host machine that is isolated from all other processes running on that host machne. What is an image? A runni...

Linear Programming

What is Linear Programming (LP) LP is defined as a technique in algebra that uses linear equation to figure out how to arrive at the optimial situation (maximum or minimum) as an answer to a mathem...

IntelliJ IDEA Tips

Dependencies Analysis https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/dependencies-analysis.html Code Analyze Code Dependencies

Markov Chains

What is Markov Chain? A system that changes its status. One important rule: the next status of the system only depends on its current status. can be drawn as a state diagram as well as writt...