Can Zhou

Control 00

Types of Control

Digital Twins 00

O-Level Computer Science Ch7

7.1 The program development life cycle Five stages: analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. Analysis requirements / program specification how the program should be developed ...

Approximation Theory

Metric Spaces A metric space is a set such that for every $x$ and $y$ in the set there is a function $d(x,y)$ which describes the distance between them. A pair of objects $(A,d)$ where $A$ is ...

Z3 (Python API)

Strongly Connected Component (SCC)

What are Strongly Connected Components? SSCs can be thought of as self-contained cycles within a directed graph where every vertex in a given cycle can reach every other vertex in the same cycle...

Fairness in Formal Verification

Linear Time (LT) Properties A linear-time property (LT property) over the set of atomic propositions $AP$ is a subset of $(2^{AP})^\omega$. Here, $(2^{AP})^{\omega}$ denotes the set of words tha...

Optimization Overview


Partially Observable Markov Decision Processe

References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dNp7QyoF_k https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~pabbeel/cs287-fa19/#syllabus https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ggordon/780-fall07/lectures/POMDP_lecture.pdf

Afine Hull vs. Convex Hull

Definition Let $S$ be a set in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Affine hull The affine hull of $S$ is the set of all affine combinations of elements of $S$: [\text{aff}(S) = {\sum^k_{i=1} a_ix_i:k>0, x_i \in S,...