Can Zhou

Formal Prediction https://papers.nips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/file/d69fdbe4d13080bb7fa33249ca136976-Paper-Conference.pdf Neural-Sybolic https://papers.nips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/file/...

Paper Review

This page contains a summary of the results from several papers I have reviewed, including both my own assessments and the evaluations from other reviewers. 2024 NeurIPS Paper about learning te...

Rental in London

I was quite frustrated with the rental environment in London, and there are many tips that I should have known. Here are some important points to always remember. Tips Protect Everything L...

Expressive Power among LTL, Buchi Automata, Rabin Automaa and Omega-regular language

LTL v.s. Buchi Automata Buchi automata are more expressive than LTL For every LTL formula, an NBA can be constructed LTL v.s. Omega-regular Language LTL formulae describe omega-regular LT...

Control 00

Types of Control

Digital Twins 00

O-Level Computer Science Ch7

7.1 The program development life cycle Five stages: analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. Analysis requirements / program specification how the program should be developed ...

Approximation Theory

Metric Spaces A metric space is a set such that for every $x$ and $y$ in the set there is a function $d(x,y)$ which describes the distance between them. A pair of objects $(A,d)$ where $A$ is ...

Z3 (Python API)

Strongly Connected Component (SCC)

What are Strongly Connected Components? SSCs can be thought of as self-contained cycles within a directed graph where every vertex in a given cycle can reach every other vertex in the same cycle...