Home Probabilistic Model Checking

Probabilistic Model Checking

Discrete-time Markov Chains

Some terminology

  • $P$ is a stochastic matrix:
    • $P(s,s’) \in [0,1]$ for all $s, s’ \in S$ and $\sum_{s’ \in S} P(s,s’) = 1$ for all $s \in S$
  • $P$ is a sub-stochastic matrix:
    • $P(s,s’) \in [0,1]$ for all $s, s’ \in S$ and $\sum_{s’ \in S} P(s,s’) \leq 1$ for all $s \in S$
  • An absorbing state is a state for $s$ for which:
    • $P(s,s) = 1$ and $P(s,s’) = 0$ for all $s \not = s’$
    • the transition from $s$ to itself is also called a self-loop.
  • Since we assume $P$ is stochastic:
    • every state has at least one outgoing transition
    • i.e. no deadlocks in model checking terminology

Markov property (“memoryless-ness”)

  • for a given current state, future states are independent of past


  • Probabilistic reachability
    • probability of a path reaching a state in some target set $T \in S$
  • Dual of reachability: invariance
    • probability of remaining within some class of states
  • Other variants of reachability
    • time-bounded

Computing reachability probabilities

  • Derive a linear equation system
    • solve for all states simultaneously
  • Least fixed point characterisation
    • This yields a simple iterative algorithm to approximate ProbReach(T)
    • using the power mehtod
      • which is guaranteed to converge
    • also yields step-bounded reachability probabilities

Computing transient probabilities

  • $\pi_{s,k} = \pi_{s,k-1} \cdot P = \pi_{s, 0} \cdot P^k$
  • $k^{th} matrix power: P^k$
    • $p$ gives one-step transition probabilities
    • $p^k$ gives probabilities of $k$-step transition probabilities
    • i.e. $P^k(s,s’) = \pi_{s,k}(s’)$

Notion of time in DTMCs

  • Two possible views:
    • Discrete time steps model time accurately
    • Time-abstract model
  • In both cases, often beneficial to study long-run behaviour

Long-run behaviour

  • Consider the limit
    • if this limit exists, is called the limiting distribution
    • steady-state of the model
  • Questions:
    • when does this limit exist?
    • does it depend on the initial state/distribution?

Graph terminology

  • Markov chain is irreducible if all its states belong to a single BSCC, otherwise reducible

Steady-state probabilities

  • For a finite, irreducible, aperiodic DTMC (a.k.a, ergodic)
    • limiting distribution always exists
    • and is independent of initial state/disbribution
  • These are known as steady-state probabilities
    • or equilibrium probabilities
    • effect of initial distribution has disappeared, denoted $\pi$
  • These probabilities can be computed as the unique solution of the linear equation system:
    • $\pi \cdot P = \pi$ and $\sum_{s \in S} \pi (s) = 1$
    • known as balance equations
  • General case: reducible DTMC
    • there are multiple solutions of steady-state equation
    • number of solution = number of BSCCs
    • limiting distribution obtained by iterations exists
    • limiting distribution depends on initial one
    • compute BSCCs for DTMC; then two cases to consider:
      • s is in a BSCC T
        • compute steady-state probabilities x in sub-DTMC for T
        • $\pi_s (s’) = x(s’)$ if $s’$ in $T$
        • $\pi_s (s’) = 0$, otherwise
      • s is not in any BSCC
        • compute steady-state probabilities $x_T$ for sub-DTMC of each BSCC T and combine with reachability probabilities to BSCCs
        • $\pi_s (s’) = ProbReach(s,T) \cdot x_T(s’)$ if $s’$ is in BSCC T
        • $\pi_s (s’) = 0$, otherwise

Probabilistic temporal logics

  • Temporal logics + probability
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