What is Markov Chain?
- A system that changes its status.
- One important rule: the next status of the system only depends on its current status.
- can be drawn as a state diagram as well as written as a transition matrix.
- state diagram represents all possible status and associated probabilities.
- transition matrix
- represent the state diagram
- probability from one state to another
- $A$
- the probabilities of the next status doesn’t change any more
- the probability of state at equilibrium = stationary distribution
- assume such equilibrium probability $\pi$
- fixed point: $A \pi = \pi$
- where $\pi$:
- eigenvector of the matrix
- probabilities of each status the system could be in, assuming equilibrium stage.
- using two equations to work out the value of $\pi$:
- $A \pi = \pi$
- sum of probability is 1
Transience and Recurrence of Markov Chains
- transient state
- a process beginning in a transient state will never return to that state
- recurrent state
- a process beginning in a recurrent state will return to that state
Ergodic Markov Chains
- an aperiodic Markov Chain, all states of which are positive recurrent
- irreducible
$n$-step Transition Matrix
- $P_{ij}(n) = A^n_{ij}$
Chapman-Kolmogorov Theorem
- $P_{ij}(n) = \sum_{k} P_{ik} (r) * P_{kj}(n-r)$
- $A^{\infty}{ij} = P{ij}(\infty)$
- probability of being at $j$ after infinite steps starting from $i$
- probability of being at $j$ after infinite steps
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3AkTO9HLXo&list=PLM8wYQRetTxBkdvBtz-gw8b9lcVkdXQKV&index=1
- https://brilliant.org/wiki/transience-and-recurrence/
- https://brilliant.org/wiki/ergodic-markov-chains/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo3ieESzr4E&list=PLM8wYQRetTxBkdvBtz-gw8b9lcVkdXQKV&index=3