Home Linear Programming

Linear Programming

What is Linear Programming (LP)

LP is defined as a technique in algebra that uses linear equation to figure out how to arrive at the optimial situation (maximum or minimum) as an answer to a mathematical problem, assuming the finiteness of resources and the quantifiable nature of the end optimization goal.

Steps for solving Linear Programming problem

  • Determine the choice factor
  • Develop the objective function
  • Determine whether the function should be decreased or maximized
  • Record the limitations
  • Verify that decision variables are either larger than or equal to 0. (Non-negative inhibition)
  • Utilize either the simplex or graphical method to resolve the linear programming issue

Simplex method

  • Typically, it consists of a function and some restrictions written as inequalities.
  • The inequality defines a polygonal area, with the solution ofen located at a vertex.
  • This approach is a method for systematically examing ther vertices as potiential solutions.

Graphical linear progoramming

  • Solving the linear equation system by generating a graph
  • Employ the extreme or corner points method and the iso-profit (cost) efficienct line method

Linear programming vs. mixed-integer linear programming

  • LP: All variables are continous value
  • MLP: At least one variable has a discrete interger value instead of a continuous value.
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